Reaching Young Voters Online

Episode Summary

Approximately 4 million people will be turning 18 in 2020. 4 million young voters. How are these young voters engaging with campaigns online? What's filling their newsfeeds? What type of digital content is firing them up? Tara sat down with Caitlin Reardon, Ayo Ehindero, John Harashinski - three highly-politically engaged students at Washington & Lee University - to discuss how they’re experiencing the election on their newsfeeds, on their mobile devices, and in their own social circles.

Episode Notes

Approximately 4 million people will be turning 18 in 2020. 4 million young voters. How are these young voters engaging with campaigns online? What's filling their newsfeeds? What type of digital content is firing them up? Tara sat down with Caitlin Reardon, Ayo Ehindero, John Harashinski - three highly-politically engaged students at Washington & Lee University - to discuss how they’re experiencing the election on their newsfeeds, on their mobile devices, and in their own social circles. Produced by Wonder Media Network.